I, George W. Bush, am sorely burdened by the weight of my offenses against the people and Constitution of the United States. Therefore I am compelled to confess as follows.
1. I have put my expected gain ahead of the well-being of the people of the United States. In seeking to maximize my wealth and the wealth of my family and close friends, I have ordered our military to invade Iraq. My objective was to grab half the Iraqi oil - worth $50 billion per year, and rising.
2. In implementing my attempt to grab Iraq’s oil, I have caused the deaths of more than 2000 Americans and uncounted tens of thousands of Iraqis. I have also caused the maiming of thousands of Americans and Iraqis. I have also wasted hundreds of billions of dollars of US Treasury funds in fighting the war in Iraq.
3. I have lied, grossly and repeatedly. I have stated a series of outrageous lies to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq. I never admitted the true reason for the invasion, which was to steal half of Iraq’s oil for my personal gain and the gain of my family and close friends.
4. My biggest and most vicious lie is the lie that gained the widest acceptance among the American people: the lie that fighting in Iraq was keeping the terrorists from striking us at home, in the US. The repeated telling of that lie by myself and my fellow politicians and supporters in the media enabled me to get reelected in 2004.
Extenuating Circumstances
I take responsibility for my actions. I offer the following extenuating circumstances.
a) In stealing half of the Iraqi oil, I would be stealing it from Saddam Hussein, an evil man. It’s ok if the oil passes from Saddam Hussein to me.
b) I have had many helpers in gaining acceptance for my lies. The media repeated my lies with no criticism. The Democratic party did not challenge me. Many voters accepted my lies even though a few minutes of thought would have exposed the lies for what they were. Examples follow.
The fact that I presented a series of reasons for the war in Iraq (offense #3, above) shows that I am more interested in fighting the war than in having a credible stated reason for doing so. That should tell my audience that I have a hidden reason. In such a case, the conventional wisdom says: “Follow the money.” Doing that leads to offenses #1 and #2 above.
The biggest lie (#4, above) is transparently a lie. The war in Iraq does not protect the US from terrorists. It obviously does not protect us from domestic terrorists, such as Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma City killer of more than 150 Americans or Eric Rudolph the convicted 1996 Olympic bomber, who also conducted three other bombings, killing two and injuring over 100 others. The Iraq war also does not protect us from 9/11 type terrorists, who are radically different from Iraqi insurgents: they speak English fluently and have lived in the US or Western Europe long enough to blend in. They would not go to Iraq if they were going to attack the US. Detouring to Iraq would expose them needlessly to being killed or captured.
I should not have lied. On the other hand, plenty of people could have challenged my lies. They chose not to. None of the voters were obligated to believe my obvious lies. Yet they chose to believe them.