More Proof of Bush's Catastrophic Failure
See results of Iraq survey.
This blog presents my comments on current events and recent publications.
After all this experience that we have had in the Middle East, it seems fair to conclude that it takes a Saddam Hussein to rule an Iraq composed of Kurds, Sunni Arabs and Shiite Arabs. Saddam Hussein was brutal and killed a lot of people. George Bush was also brutal and killed a lot more people than Saddam Hussein and failed utterly in ruling an Iraq composed of Kurds, Sunni Arabs and Shiite Arabs. If Saddam Hussein deserved to be hanged, what does George Bush deserve?
Why did the Baker Commission say that: "The United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East unless it deals directly with the Arab-Israeli conflict."
Still, there is accumulating evidence that Bush is talking to mirrors and taking instruction from his dog. He makes no sense, saying he's amenable to change one day and digging in his heels the next. "I'm not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete," he said recently. Yes. Absolutely. But what is the mission? Please, ask the dog. Lives are being wasted.
In today's Washington Post, Robert D. Novak (yes, that Novak) writes that Bush's options are shrinking.
On Dec. 3, Frank Rich in the NYT, under the heading: "Has He Started Talking to the Walls?"
That's the title of Paul Roberts' column on the website. He says that the answer to the question is: No, Bush is mad and he should be incarcerated in an insane asylum.
An article in today's Washington Post tells us why we should not expect anything useful from the the Baker-Hamilton group: they are the creators of previous tragic failures.
See Ted Rall's December 2 cartoon. He has it almost right. Democracy was a window-dressing mission. The real mission was always the Iraq oil for Bush's buddies who saved him every time he screwed up.
First cartoon to depict George Bush as a patient in an insane asylum.